Zeitung für neue und experimentelle Musik
em guide a queer platform dedicated to experimental electronic music – an interview with tender matter
Since 2020, Tony Wagner and Melissa Antunes de Menezes have run the label Tender Matter in Vienna, focusing on queer experimental music. Under the same name they regularly throw shows featuring artists from the label roster as well as local and international collaborators. We met to talk about how the label came to be, the motivation of their artistic practice as well as challenges DIY and independent promoters are facing in Vienna at the moment.

Photo: Marija Jociūtė
frei für ascan delarber
»FREI FÜR« ist die Mittelseite der NOIES - hier erteilen wir Musiker:innen und Künstler:innen eine Carte Blanche für grafische und typographische Arbeiten. Ascan Delarber hat für die NOIES die fotografische Arbeit »Gemini« entwickelt.

Ascan Delarber, »Gemini«